Saturday, July 30, 2016

Another New Friend

Hey, Annie here!

Now I have another new friend and his name is Louis.  We have a special bond and he is a true friend.  He is helping dad and mom understand me.  They love me but don't always understand me - you know?  Anyway, I go to visit Louis every Saturday morning and mom and dad come along.  I heard mom say that our special time on Saturdays will be ending soon and I was sad to learn that.  But, then I heard mom telling someone on the phone that they are going to let me stay at Louis' place sometimes when they have to be out of town :-)  That will be fun because he has other dogs there too........and chickens!

I asked mom to create a video of me with my new pal, Louis.  He helps lots of people with their dogs and his company is named Wonderdog.  That must be what I am ....... a wonder dog - isn't that cool?

I have to go now because mom and dad want to practice ringing the doorbell and knocking on the door and I guess I have to be there too.  It seems kinda silly but okay, I will go along.   Aren't humans funny sometimes?

Catchya Later,