Saturday, May 28, 2016


Hey, Annie here!!!

So, near where we live is a town named Evans (you know, where the Petco is?) and they have lots of fun things to do if you are a dog which is what Mom says I am.....a dog.  This weekend was  something called the BanjoBque at the big park.  I got to go today and had a blast!!!!  Lots of people wanted to play with me and pet me.  I met some furry friends there too.  We watched people play games and sing and use something called instruments.  It made a sound that people called music and it made everyone act happy.  We stayed for lunch and on top of my regular food I got some really yummy stuff called Bar Bee Q.  Dad had something called ribs and also a tiny thing called a goober pie.  Mom had chicken and tasted some of Dad's stuff.

Last night Mom and Dad went to the same place but I had to stay home.  They got home very late and were talking about seeing someone named Willie.  I wonder if it was the guy that owns the chocolate factory - I saw him on TV once.  That is probably why I couldn't go.  I am not allowed any chocolate.

I have a new ball and I can FINALLY run around in the backyard all by myself now so I gotta go.

Catch'ya Later,  LA.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

I was just thinking.

"Some people talk to animals.  Not many listen though.  That's the problem."

A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Pure Evil

We have something that lurks in our house that is Pure Evil.  In fact,  we have several!  The amazing and truly unforgivable thing is that my mom loves it....... L.O.V.E.S.    it!!!!!!    There is even a giant version of this one that hides in my dad's workshop.  The thing seems to want to play with it more around the areas that are MINE!   Those areas that I feel are my domain,  my spots - you know?

I have been plotting on how to get rid of them, make them disappear somehow.  Mom always leaves the TV on for me when she goes away and once I watched a program that talked about casting evil out of houses.  I wish I knew how to do that!!!!  These things would be SO GONE :-)   A pup can dream can't she?   Later,   LA

Monday, May 9, 2016

Mother's Day

So here I am hanging out at Wildwood Park.  It is a fantastic place with lots of things to smell and see!   I saw HUGE white things on the water that people called boats.  I also saw some HUGE funny looking dogs that were not  at all friendly toward me.  I really didn't understand it because most everyone and everything loves me.   Mom and Dad said their names are horses.  Whatever.  Anyway, we had a fun time there and I hope we can go  back very soon.  They have these areas that are called fish cleaning stations and boy did they smell interesting!   More olfactory research is necessary.  I heard those words on Animal Planet :-)   later,  LA

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Back in Action

Ready to go to the park!!!!!!!

Sorry I have been gone so long.  It was not my fault.  Mom and Dad went on a loooooong trip and she is my typist since I have the superior fortune of having paws instead of hands with fingers.  So, I get to be the boss and she types out what I need.  Anyway, we have been taking two long walks every day.  Since we live on a busy road we must drive to our walking places.  We go to different places so it is great fun.  In the above photo I was getting a little tired of waiting on my chauffeur (aka Mom again - remember about the paws thing) because she kept going back in the house to get "one more thing" - does your chauffeur do that to you?   At least she gives me yummy treats and plenty of water!    It is hot here in Georgia right now.  Catchya Later, LA